Wind Mersen
Wind Services

Powering ahead with Mersen wind services

Empower your wind operations with our cutting-edge wind services, designed to boost efficiency and extend turbine longevity. With Mersen, elevate your energy future.

  • Wind services to be blown away by efficiency

    The relentless pursuit of sustainable energy solutions demands not only innovative technology but also reliable support. This is where Mersen’s wind services come into play, offering a lifeline to onshore and offshore wind projects worldwide. With our expert-led wind services, we tackle everything from routine maintenance to complex system upgrades, ensuring your turbines achieve peak performance and longevity. 

  • A game-changer for wind energy

    Jami Blake

    Bryan O'Connor

    Wind Farm Operations Manager

    Mersen has been instrumental in enhancing our operational efficiency and reducing downtime. Their maintenance services and innovative solutions ensure our turbines perform optimally under all conditions. Truly a game-changer in the industry!
  • Wind Services

    Need to get information about our wind services?

  • What are wind services?

    Wind services refer to a range of maintenance and repair activities that are essential for ensuring the optimal performance and longevity of wind turbines. These services typically include preventive maintenance, replacement of components, maintenance of brushes, brush holders, slip rings and signal and power transfer systems.

  • Mersen wind services

    Mersen is a global leader in providing innovative solutions for the wind energy industry. Our wind services are designed to optimize the performance and reliability of wind turbines, ensuring maximum energy production and minimizing downtime.

    On-site diagnostics

    Mersen's on-site diagnostics involve thorough inspections and assessments directly at the wind farms. Using advanced diagnostic tools, our experts analyze turbines to detect any potential issues before they lead to significant problems. This proactive approach helps in identifying wear, mechanical stress, electrical anomalies, and other critical concerns that could impact wind turbine performance and safety.

    Replacement or installation of components

    Whether it’s routine maintenance or urgent repairs, Mersen specializes in the swift replacement or installation of essential turbine components. This wind service includes everything from brushes and brush holders to slip rings and other electrical components. Our skilled technicians ensure that all components are installed with precision to maintain the turbine's integrity and efficiency.


    Mersen offers detailed training sessions tailored to wind energy applications. This wind service equips wind farm technicians with the skills necessary to perform maintenance, handle emergency repairs, and understand the latest technological advancements. The training ensures that personnel are proficient in the best practices for maintaining and optimizing turbine performance.

    Design and reengineering 

    Our design and reengineering wind services focus on improving the existing turbine systems to enhance performance and adapt to evolving operational demands. Mersen utilizes the latest in innovations to redesign components, integrate new features, and provide solutions that extend the lifespan and efficiency of wind turbines. This service includes everything from conceptual design to the practical implementation of engineered solutions.

  • Focus on Windtracker

    Mersen's Windtracker service is a specialized offering designed to elevate the operational performance and reliability of wind turbines through innovative solutions and expert insights.

    The Windtracker is Mersen’s specialized wind service program tailored for the wind energy sector. It represents a holistic approach to wind turbine maintenance and optimization. The concept of Windtracker revolves around maintaining constant contact with wind power engineers and technicians to swiftly address their concerns and challenges. The goal is to enhance turbine performance and reliability by providing adaptive technical solutions, conducting thorough analyses, and deploying field-proven innovations.

    service maintenance Windtracker ferme éolienne Mersen
  • The Windtracker teams

    The Windtracker teams are composed of technical experts who specialize in signal and power transfer systems with a deep knowledge of carbon brushes for rotating machines. Our teams are proficient in AC power generation, DC pitch motors, and lightning protection systems. Their extensive field experience and commitment to ongoing technical education allow them to continually enhance their expertise and offer cutting-edge solutions to the wind turbine community.

    Wind services included in the Windtracker

    Windtracker includes a comprehensive suite of services designed to maximize turbine uptime and efficiency. Our wind services cover training and maintenance practices such as carbon brush replacement, slip ring assembly clean-out, generator slip ring resurfacing, and hub slip ring and brush-holder maintenance. Each service is crafted to ensure that turbines operate smoothly and efficiently, with minimal interruptions.

    Windtracker Reengineering for continue wind services

    The Windtracker wind service is meticulously designed to extend and enhance the performance and reliability of wind turbines through a comprehensive 8-step method:

    1. Complete Field Diagnosis: Initial step involves a thorough examination of the turbine in its operational environment to identify any existing or potential issues.
    2. Report to R&D: Findings from the diagnosis are reported back to the research and development team for further analysis.
    3. Analysis and Recommendations: The R&D team analyzes the data to develop recommendations for addressing the identified issues.
    4. Development of Prototypes: Based on the recommendations, prototypes are created to test possible solutions.
    5. Field Tests or Test Benches: Prototypes undergo rigorous testing either directly in the field or on test benches to ensure their effectiveness.
    6. Tool Design and Manufacturing: Specialized tools needed for the installation and maintenance of the reengineered solutions are designed and manufactured.
    7. Manufacturing of the Reengineered Solution: Once validated, the reengineered solutions are manufactured to meet specific turbine requirements.
    8. Follow-up in the Field and After-sales Support: Post-implementation, continuous monitoring and support are provided to ensure the solutions deliver sustained performance improvements.
  • What tools and devices has Mersen developed for wind services?

    • wind slip ring for Mersen maintenance Windtracker services

      CL-Profiler devices

      Measuring tool

      A sophisticated measuring tool developed to assess the profile of phase and ground slip ring assemblies.
      It's instrumental in determining wear patterns and ensuring that slip rings are maintained within optimal operating tolerances.

    • Wind power carbon brush


      Check the pressure systems

      They are used to check the pressure systems of brush holders. Ensuring that brush holders are operating with the correct spring tension is crucial for maintaining good electrical contact and preventing excessive wear and tear on both the brushes and the slip rings.

    • slip ring assembly Mersen

      Slotting files

      Specialized tools

      Slotting files are specialized tools used for bevelling helical grooves in slip rings. Proper maintenance of slip ring grooves is essential to maintain optimal electrical contact and to prevent damage to the brushes.

  • In addition to wind services, how to maintain a wind turbine generator?

    Mersen's wind services offer comprehensive support, but there are also specific maintenance practices that can be performed regularly to ensure peak efficiency. Here’s how you can keep your equipment running efficiently and effectively.

    Checks during slowing down and up to machine stop

    While your turbine slows down and comes to a stop, keep a close ear out for any vibrations and noises from the carcass, bearings, or brushes—these sounds can be early warnings of potential issues. Also, watch for any irregularities at the elastic joints of the coupling. It’s crucial to let your rotor stop in random positions to avoid bearing spots. Immediately after the machine stops, measure the temperature of the commutator and each collector ring; this helps detect overheating early, a key aspect of our wind services.

    Measurements and checks at rest

    Once your turbine is at rest, take the time to measure the insulation resistance of different circuits both before and after blowing. This will help you assess the electrical integrity of your system. Make sure to measure the air gap from four points at 90° offsets to confirm the rotor's alignment. Check that your brushes are guided properly and have the right clearance. Verify that the distance between brush holders and the moving parts (collectors or rings) is appropriate to ensure effective contact, integral for successful wind services.

    Maintenance of slip rings

    Regular maintenance of your slip rings is vital for their longevity and your turbine’s efficiency. Begin with degreasing, selecting the method that best suits your collector's condition. Ensure your slip rings are within the ideal roundness values and tolerances, and check their roughness to confirm it meets expected values after stoning or machining. Also, periodically examine the commutator bars to ensure proper angle break and sufficient milling of micas.


    Regularly vacuum and blow out debris using compressed air, and keep filters clean. This simple routine helps maintain the integrity and efficiency of internal components.

    Special precautions for extended stops

    If you anticipate extended downtime, take special precautions to protect critical components. Shield slip rings from shocks and contamination with non-porous insulating sheets. In environments prone to humidity, salt, or corrosion, lift all brushes and place an insulating sheet between the brushes and moving parts to prevent corrosion and electrical leakage.

    Continue preventive maintenance with a reliable partner

    Ongoing preventive maintenance is essential for the longevity of your wind turbines. Engaging with Mersen wind services ensures your turbines are inspected and maintained by experts knowledgeable in the nuances of wind technology. Our tailored solutions address the specific challenges faced by your wind turbines.

  • Why choose Mersen for your wind services?

    Innovative solutions for wind services

    At Mersen, innovation drives our wind services. We continuously develop and refine cutting-edge solutions like the Windtracker system, designed to enhance the efficiency and reliability of your wind turbines.

    Wind services everywhere in the world

    Wherever your wind projects are located, Mersen's global footprint ensures that you have access to our expert wind services. With facilities and teams positioned around the world, we provide consistent and reliable services.

    Onshore and offshore wind services

    Mersen specializes in providing comprehensive wind services specifically tailored for onshore and offshore wind projects. With an in-depth understanding of the unique challenges faced in various onshore environments, Mersen delivers solutions that optimize turbine performance and reliability. Our focused approach ensures that our wind services are designed to meet the specific needs of your projects, ensuring operational excellence across all your onshore and offshore locations.

    A complete range of wind services 

    Our wind services cover every aspect of wind turbine maintenance and optimization. From routine inspections and maintenance to emergency repairs and complete system overhauls, Mersen offers a full spectrum of services designed to keep your turbines operating at peak performance.

  • Questions about wind services

    • What are the differences between onshore and offshore wind services?

      The main differences between onshore and offshore wind services lie in the environmental challenges and logistical complexities. Onshore wind services often deal with varied terrain and easier access, allowing for more straightforward maintenance routines. Offshore services, conversely, face harsh marine conditions.

    • Does Mersen offer wind services for onshore and offshore wind turbines?

      Mersen specializes in wind services for onshore and offshore wind turbines. We have tailored our expertise and resources to focus on the specific needs and challenges associated with wind energy, ensuring the highest levels of service and maintenance in these settings.

    • What is the duration of the maintenance contract for wind services?

      The duration of maintenance contracts for wind services can vary depending on the client's needs and the specific requirements of the project. Typically, Mersen offers flexible contract terms ranging from short-term agreements for specific tasks to long-term partnerships covering comprehensive maintenance and optimization services.

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