Corporate Social Responsibility

Human Capital

At Mersen, our corporate culture is above all a shared vision and a set of shared values that are the result of decades of ethical and responsible development and that shape everything we do.

Mersen India team
Together, we share more than objectives, projects and technologies. Our performance as a company is above all tied to our employees and their contribution.
And in every place where we operate, we are committed to acting in a responsible manner.

Estelle Legrand

Group Vice President, Human Resources

Affirming Mersen's identity

A human company in the service of technological progress

  • Innovate for our customers

    A culture of customer-centric innovation and co-development
  • One step ahead

    Delivering global performance that sets industry standards
  • Cross collaboration

    Collective intelligence to solve challenges.
  • People first

    We prioritize the health, safety, and development of our people.
  • 89.00 %

    of employees satisfied with working for Mersen

Human Rights Policy

Respecting and promoting human rights

In 2021, the Group unveiled its Human Rights Policy. This policy outlines the Group’s commitment to combat forced labor, combat child labor, uphold the freedom of association, promote fair employment conditions and ensure equal opportunity.

It is in line with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, to which Mersen has been a signatory since 2009.

Throughout the world, the Group ensures that each employee performs his or her job on the basis of agreed upon terms and conditions of employment and receives a fair wage according to the number of hours worked. Freedom of association is guaranteed at all sites. The age of the employee is checked by a local team as part of the fight against child labor. An analysis of the human resources database is performed annually to make sure that employees under 18 have special employment contracts related to a specific course of study, such as apprenticeship contracts.


Collaboration based on diversity

We firmly believe that promoting diversity will have a profound and positive impact on our organizations and business.

Diversity is a key asset for Mersen, driving collaboration between teams and sparking creativity so that we can better understand the needs of our customers around the world.

To preserve this diversity, our company culture seeks to inspire mutual respect and the appreciation of every individual, whatever their origin, and to combat all forms of discrimination.

Continuous skills development

A learning organization

Mersen operates in complex, high-tech sectors and owes much of its success to the expertise of its teams and skills of its employees.

The continuous skills development is at the heart of the human resources policy, as the Group seeks to retain its talents and attract new ones.

The Group encourage exchanges between its various segments and geographic areas by prioritizing mobility and the international diversity of managers.

The Group has created the “Mersen Academy” online training platform in order to:

  • Support teams in their personal development
  • Integrate new hires more easily
  • Promote collaborative work
  • Facilitate the rollout of on-line training on essentials, such as safety, ethics, management, …

A preventive approach

Promote well-being, health and safety at work

Mersen pledges to provide the best possible work environment for the well-being, health and safety of all its employees.

Its strategy is underpinned by the commitment of our managers to deploying a preventive approach at their sites based on the following principles:

  • Ensuring employees are aware of the risks and hazards they may face and carrying out risk and hazard assessments on a regular basis and each time there is a change in working organization,
  • Providing regular training to employees on health and safety and collective and personal protective measures,
  • Ensuring that both managerial and non-managerial employees report on and analyze any incidents.

Prevention and health and safety performance measurement are making progress in the workplace over time.

Management Safety visits

  • 4927.00

    in 2021

  • 6569.00

    in 2022

  • 8033.00

    in 2023

  • 30.00 %

    in 2027 vs 2022 (objective) number of visits per employees

Lost-Time Injury Rate

Mersen employees, temporary workers and subcontractors
  • 1.62 %

    in 2021

  • 1.53 %

    in 2022

  • 2.78 %

    in 2023

  • 1.80 %

    max in 2027 (objective)

Severity Injury Rate

Mersen employees, temporary workers and subcontractors
  • 47.00 %

    in 2021

  • 66.00 %

    in 2022

  • 68.00 %

    in 2023

  • 60.00 %

    max in 2027 (objective)


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