bloc presentation Fus-ION Mersen

Mersen Introduces Upgrades and Enhancements to Mersen FUSE-ion Configurator and Selector Tool

For configuring Fused Coordination Panelboards, Fusible Shunt Trip Disconnects, and Multi-Unit Fusible Shunt Trip Panels

Mersen FUSE-ion

Mersen is excited to announce all new upgrades and enhancements to the Mersen FUSE-ion Configurator and Selector Tool. This free-to-use, online configurator software program for Fused Coordination Panels now boasts additional enhanced features that make it easier than ever to create a custom proposal document. Upgrades and improvements include:

  • New Proposal Layout with an updated summary page and NEW technical pages.
  • More Intuitive interface – additional design properties, more technical information, as well as a more detailed bill of materials listing.
  • New editing features give reassurance to users to know they can request design assistance from our technical experts.

Mersen FUSE-ion was created for Mersen partners to design their own custom-configured Fused Coordination Panelboard by selecting ratings, features, and options via a graphical interface. Customers find this software quick, simple, and easy to operate, by working through a selection of questions and choices to create a proposal in a matter of minutes. The Mersen FUSE-ion Configurator and Selector Tool will provide a quote and download a PDF of the configured job, and the 2D output gives the customer a detailed look at the finished product.

Customers can also add Shunt Trips, Multi Shunt Trip devices as well as select from a vast list of accessory products giving them a complete package. And, if needed, Mersen engineers can work to design a solution that fits specific requirements.

To use the Mersen FUSE-ion Configurator and Selector Tool, you’ll first need to be approved for access. To request login credentials, email your name, email address, and company name to

For more information about Mersen FUSE-ion, visit the Mersen FUSE-ion Configurator and Selector Tool page

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