
Threshold crossing disclosure

Disclosure obligation

bull and bear stock market mersen

Extract from articles of association

Article 11 ter - Notification of crossing of threshold

Any person, acting alone or in concert, who acquires, in any manner whatsoever within the meaning of Article L. 233-7 et seq. of the French Commercial Code, either directly or indirectly through companies that they control within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code, a stake of 1% or more in the share capital or voting rights is required, within five days of the transaction and irrespective of their delivery, to disclose to the Company, by recorded delivery letter with acknowledgment of receipt, the total number of shares or securities giving access to the share capital or voting rights that they hold. Should their stake drop below the 1% threshold, it must be disclosed in the same manner and within the same deadline. This obligation shall apply whenever the share capital or voting rights held increases or falls by at least 1%. 

If a disclosure does not meet the terms and conditions above, the shares in excess of the threshold that should have been disclosed shall be stripped of voting rights at any General Meeting held in the two years following the date on which proper notification is made, at the request, during the Meeting, of one or more shareholders holding at least 1% of the share capital or voting rights. 

In addition to the above disclosure obligation, any crossing of share ownership thresholds, as provided by law, must be disclosed.

Reporting a major holding notification

Whenever a shareholder, acting alone or in concert, reaches, exceeds or falls below the legal  thresholds of (i) 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 1/3, 50%, 2/3, 90% or 95% of the equity or voting rights of an issuer whose shares are admitted to trading on Euronext Paris, or (ii) 50% or 95% of the equity or voting rights of an issuer whose shares are admitted to trading on Euronext Growth, it must report this to the company and to the AMF; this report must reach the AMF no later than before the close of trade on the fourth trading day following the day of the threshold crossing, and must be sent to the company within this deadline.

The AMF shall make this report public via its decisions and financial information database within three trading days after receiving the complete report.

Visit AMF website

Transaction in company shares

Directors and management's' individual disclosure

Mersen has decided to apply the provisions now appearing in articles 223-22 to 223-25 of the general regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers for transactions in Company securities carried out by corporate officers.

Information is available on the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers website at

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