

Capacitor Banks
Capacitor Banks
  • Fischerlink - Features

    • Extremely low inductance <10nH
    • 10% higher capacity volume
    • Very long life
    • Easy to mount, easy to exchange
    • Stable and secure

    The technological advantages of the FischerLink are extremely low inductance, a larger capacity volume and a very long life.
    The single capacitors in the FischerLink are welded directly to copper plates; the cover is eliminated and contact losses are much lower than in conventionally assembled modules. The completed bus bar plates are cast in a flat tub under vacuum to achieve a vibration-proof and durable connection. The user has no additional installation costs and only has to order one part, which has been thoroughly inspected.

    Main areas of use are renewable energies, industrial applications and railway technology.

    capacitors_fischer link small pic.gif
  • Fischerlink customised - Features

    • enormous variations are possible
    • connection variants are adapted to application
    • small sample series are possible

    FischerLink modules can be produced to your individual requirements. 

    Your specifications for voltage, capacity, current, inductance, temperature, life cycle, size and position of the connections are incorporated into the design. Exchange of CAD data in the “Step” format is no problem for us.

  • Data Sheets

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