Product life cycle analysis
Limiting the environmental impact also means implementing circular economy principles, one of them being conducting product life-cycle analysis

End of Life Sheets
The goal of the End of Life Sheets is to describe articles and materials used in our products to facilitate the management of those materials, their treatment, valorization or recycling.
Mersen, producer of Electrical and Electronic Equipments (EEE), is complying on European Directive requirements WEEE 2012/19/EU.
Our concerned products are marked with a crossed-out bin and for their collection and end of life recycling, we have chosen to use the organizations set up by the authorities of each member state.
We thus pay the Eco-contribution defined by these member states for each of our equipment sold.

End_of_life sheet SPD WEEEpdf - 180.22 KB
End_of_life sheet fusegear WEEEpdf - 259.12 KB
End_of_life sheet fusegear out of Low Voltage standardpdf - 84.69 KB
End_of_life sheet fuse out of Low Voltage standardpdf - 101.98 KB
End_of_life sheet fuse WEEEpdf - 187.06 KB
PEP Product Environmental Profil
Mersen performs LCA, Life Cycle Assessment, of their products.
You can get the PEPs, Product Environmental Profil, under request.
Please send your request to :

EEE recycling rules for France
In France, in response to Article 17 of Law No. 2020-105 of February 10, 2020 on the fight against waste and Decree No. 2021-835 of June 29, 2021 on consumer information on the rule for sorting waste from products subject to the principle of extended producer responsibility for Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Mersen communicates information to French consumers in the document to download below.

Règle de tri_EEE_B2Cpdf - 187.89 KB