Mersen’s New comer event Americas 2023
The first "New Comer Event" of the year 2023 took place on April 5 and 6 in El Paso (Texas) in the United States. This session launched the traditional "NCE" series, the onboarding seminars for managers and professionals who have joined the Group during the year.
The first "New Comer Event" of the year 2023 took place on April 5 and 6 in El Paso (Texas) in the United States. This session launched the traditional "NCE" series, the onboarding seminars for managers and professionals who have joined the Group during the year.
57 newcomers from the American continent met for two days of sharing and discovery. The event began with a visit of the Juarez plant in Mexico, during a tour organized by the local team. Following this visit, the participants attended a series of "à la carte" workshops, allowing them to deepen their knowledge on current issues or topics of importance to the Group.