Fuse Control Phase 1 product block
Services & Documents: Guide

Phase 1: The Storeroom Audit and Database Analysis

How to get started.

  • How to Get Started

    The process typically begins with an orientation meeting given by your Mersen sales representative. The goal of the meeting is to inform appropriate personnel within your facility about the benefits of Amp-Trap 2000® and the Fuse Control program. Since the program targets many facets of the organization, it is important to reach out to all personnel.

    The orientation meeting can be an informal or formal process depending on your situation. Mersen is here to serve you and to help make the process as efficient and effective as possible. The orientation meeting will usually be hosted by a Mersen sales representative in conjunction with a distributor of your choice. Mersen Solutions Engineers are available for in-depth training seminars on various safety and circuit protection topics.

    Who Should be at the Table?

    • Plant Manager
    • Plant Electricians
    • Maintenance Personnel
    • Safety Managers / Engineer
    • Purchasing Manager
    • Inventory Manager
    • Electrical / Facility Engineer

    Performing the Audit

    Once you and your organization understand the benefits and are ready to proceed we can start the storeroom audit and database analysis process. The process is very simple and will take up little of your time and resources. Also, did we mention it is free! The fuse inventory and audit analysis are provided to you at no cost.

    We will need a full record of your fuse inventory. This information may already be available through your software ordering system. The following information will be required:

    • Customer Part Number: The part numbers you have assigned to identify the fuses in your inventory
    • Stock Location (Bin Number): The location number associated with the bin or shelving where the fuse is located
    • Manufacturer: Name of the manufacturer of the fuse
    • Manufacturer’s Part Number: The fuse manufacturer’s part number found on the fuse itself
    • Part Number Description: The description of the product including voltage and ampere rating. Used to help identify the product in case the part number does not match. May also include dimensions and key words such as “Class J” or “time-delay.”
    • Quantity on Hand: The quantity on hand of each particular part number
    • Annual Usage: The annual quantity consumed for each part number for the last 12 months
    • Min/Max Levels: The minimum and maximum inventory levels which will be used to drive your ordering system

    Note: Consult your sales representative if this inventory information is not readily available for guidance on how to proceed.
    Where applicable, it is also important to audit the fuses you have in service. It is one thing to have the proper Amp-Trap 2000 fuses in stock but that still doesn’t help you with fuses that are currently installed. If possible you should perform an audit on fuses that are in service and also replace those fuses with Amp-Trap 2000 fuses. This way you will be fully protected and reap the full benefits of the program immediately.

    Submitting the Data

    Once the audit is complete, the next step is to send the electronic file to your Mersen sales representative. The representative will then work with Mersen applications engineers who will analyze the data using our proprietary Fuse Usage & Storeroom Evaluation (F.U.S.E.) software.

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