Mersen C/C composite loading fixture for aluminizing - oil quenching

Carbon/Carbon Loading Racks for Aluminizing and Oil Quenching

Mersen unique 2.5D composite differs from the common 2D Carbon/Carbon materials by the pyrolithic graphite matrix and reinforcement in the third direction.
Mersen unique 2.5D composite differs from the common 2D Carbon/Carbon materials by the pyrolithic graphite matrix and reinforcement in the third direction.
  • C/C Composites loading fixture for aluminizing, oil quenching and processes with aggressive media

    Mersen’s unique 2.5D composite differs from the common 2D Carbon/Carbon materials by the pyrolithic graphite matrix and reinforcement in the third direction which gives it incredible resistance to delamination and attack of chemical substances.

  • Advantages of 2.5D Aerolor® Composite

    Lifetime X2: this is the expectation of 2.5D in heat treatment processes with aggressive and liquid media in comparison to 2D Carbon/Carbon composites

    • High density,
    • Lowest reactivity (among all graphite materials) to oxidizing gases and chemical substances due to the pyrocarbon matrix (double higher lifetime) 
    • Lower absorption of oil,
      • Low micro-porosity.
    • High resistance to delamination and mechanical shocks due the 3-D direction reinforcement.
      • High breakage resistance, especially when no accurate manipulation occurs in charging/discharging the vacuum furnace
    • Size up to 2.1 m in diameter, standard thickness up to 50 mm, up to 80 mm is possible.
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