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Graphilor® graphite bursting discs

Approvals & Standards
Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU
NF EN ISO 4126-2
NF EN ISO 4126-6

Rupture disc is mainly used as a safety device which provides the simplest and most certain form of protection against the effects of excess pressure in a closed system.

Rupture disc is mainly used as a safety device which provides the simplest and most certain form of protection against the effects of excess pressure in a closed system.

  • Safety device

    GRAPHILOR®, Mersen's isostatic graphite to resist highly corrosive applications

    How rupture discs work?

    These discs are designed to protect vessels from damaging over-pressurization, by bursting open and safely relieving the overpressure condition when the line or vessel reaches a pre-determined pressure and temperature.

    Depending on the application and nominal pipe size, the rupture discs are installed directly between flanges.

    There are different types of rupture discs manufactured in metals or in graphite. They can cover a wide range of sizes, rupture pressures and operating temperatures.

    The graphite bursting discs are the preferred solution when the process is used with a corrosive fluid or gas. The other advantage of graphite is that, if this material breaks, it releases the whole diameter of the pipe or vessel. The release is much faster than with a metal disc.

    Mersen's graphite rupture discs

    Mersen is the number one manufacturer of graphite process equipment. We have been producing our own graphite for over 130 years. Graphilor®, a resin-impregnated graphite developed and patented by Mersen, resists most ultra-corrosive non-oxidizing applications. All our discs are made from Graphilor®

    Our rupture discs are made according to the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU, category IV, modules B and D for group I gases. Controls and tests are carried out according to the Harmonized Standard NF EN ISO 4126-2.  For the application, selection and installation of rupture discs, it is recommended that you shall comply with the instructions of the Harmonized Standard NF EN ISO 4126-6.

  • Applications

    What are the key applications of the graphite rupture discs ?

    Graphite bursting discs are used in many industries such as aerospace, chemical, brewery, food, rail, building materials, paint, tires, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, cosmetics and energy, among others.

    Mersen graphite bursting discs are FDA certified and can be used in the food industry. Our graphite rupture discs are fitted on storage tanks or fermenters such as in the beer or milk production.
    Our discs are also used in natural gas storage tanks, in the cooling circuits of electrical transformers or in various water circuits.

  • Focus on

    Mersen's graphite rupture discs

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