Graphite crucible
graphite crucible
graphite silicon growth

Silicon wafer manufacturing

Mersen's high purity graphite and rigid insulation for CZ puller and DSS furnace
Mersen's high purity graphite and rigid insulation for CZ puller and DSS furnace
  • High purity graphite for CZ puller and DSS furnace

    Mersen provides sustainable and efficient solutions, which guarantee the purity of the wafers and the control of hot zones during crystallisation.

    Mersen also offers equipment and parts dedicated to the constraints of this industry:

    • Purified graphite crucible
    • Purified graphite heater
    • Graphite or C/C composite cylindrical thermal protection
    • Flexible felt and rigid carbon insulation for controlling the thermal gradients of crystalline growth
    • Carbon/Carbon composite threaded fasteners
    • Graphite heat exchanger
  • The single crystal growing process CZ (Czochralski Method)

    This silicon crystallisation method at more than 1,425 C is used to manufacture large cylindrical single crystal ingots, owing to very precise control of the temperature gradient in the oven. 

    These ingots are then sliced with a wire saw to obtain silicon "wafers", used in the micro-electronic and photovoltaic industries.

    Mersen supplies the following elements:

    • Purified graphite crucible
    • Purified graphite heating element
    • Hot zone rigid insulation
    • Graphite and C/C composite heat shield
    • Furnace insulation.
    résistance graphite tirage CZ Mersen
  • Directional solidification systems (DSS)

    The cooling of the bath of molten silicon is controlled to obtain solidification of the ingot with very broad crystalline zones. 

    These ingots are then sliced with a wire saw to obtain silicon "wafers", primarily used in the photovoltaic industry.

    Mersen supplies the following elements:

    • Purified graphite heating element
    • Hot zone rigid carbon insulation
    • Composite fasteners
    • Composite plate
    résistance graphite système DSS Mersen
  • Product literature

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