Mersen Carbon/Carbon composite loading rack for heat treatment

Carbon/Carbon Loading Racks for Heat Treatment

Carbon/Carbon loading systems are used for thermal treatments of metallic part.
Carbon/Carbon loading systems are used for thermal treatments of metallic part.
  • Usage of the Carbon/Carbon composite instead of metal for loading racks allows to:

    • Increase energy efficiency, due to the very low thermal mass of Carbon/Carbon composite, your energy is being spent heating (and cooling) components rather than supports and fixtures.
    • Rapid heat up and cool down, also as a result of the low thermal mass
    • Material lightweight, allows for easier handling
    • No thermal deformation or creep, giving extended lifetime
    • Eliminates sticking of metal parts to rack surface
    • Increase of the productivity
  • Applications

    Carbon/Carbon loading trays and baskets are used for thermal treatment processes such as

    • vacuum brazing,
    • annealing,
    • low pressure carburizing,
    • gas quenching of automotive parts,
    • case hardening of steel parts with subsequent oil quenching etc. 
  • The advantages of Carbon/Carbon composite to cast metallic trays:

    Energy saving

    Carbon/Carbon trays use 5-10 time less energy than steel.

    • Improved energy efficiency of heat treatment processes with the possibility to reduce heating/cooling cycle.
    • C/C composites do not lose mechanical properties with temperature. Lightweight constructions are possible.

    Lightweight construction

    • Density of Carbon/Carbon is 5 times less than steel: easy handling thanks to the weight reduction.

    Easy automation. Handling by robots

    • Carbon/Carbon trays have no distortion or thermal creep.
    • CTE of C/C is 10 times less than steel.

    Improved quality of treated parts

    • C/C composites have a self-lubricating surface. No sticking/brazing of metal parts to rack surface, therefore no deformation of the metal parts

    Cost saving

    • No embrittlement, robust, increased lifetime
    • Increased loading capacity by optimized design
    • Thermal shock resistance increases with temperature


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